Ava Hales Portfolio
3D Spaceship
This assessment involves the design and creation of an original 3D spacecraft. In this assignment I was required to: research different vehicles in order to craft an appropriate concept, model it in 3D, apply basic materials, import my model into a pre-supplied Unity scene and produce a final working build for presentation.
This project was developed in 2020 as part of assignment one in FIT1033 (Foundations of 3D), and was the first 3D object I ever build in Maya/Unity.
Autodesk Maya
Download Final Build
This link will direct you to Google Drive where you can download the Mac build .zip file
Download Final Build
This link will direct you to Google Drive where you can download the Windows build .zip file
Maya & Unity Project Files
If you have further interest in viewing the Maya or Unity Project Files, please contact me at avahalesprof@gmail.com