Ava Hales Portfolio

Stylised Landscape
This assignment requires you to create a navigable, virtual landscape with consistent, ecologically based aesthetics. I will be using Autodesk Maya, Substance 3D Painter, and Unity to craft an environment that includes textured models (namely vegetation, rocks and terrain), virtual lighting and atmospheric sound.
The scene should not extend indefinitely in all directions, and your landscape will need limits. Your landscape needs to be built out of carefully crafted components and there is a limit of no more than ten geometric ‘base’ models in this assignment, excluding the terrain. A ‘base’ model here can be defined as an originally conceived, carefully crafted and textured 3D model of a tree, shrub, boulder etc. However, these base models can be resized, re-textured and repositioned as many times as you like. You are also welcome to modify your base models by addition or subtraction; for example, subtracting leaves/branches from a tree or adding moss and lichen to a boulder.

Autodesk Maya


Adobe Substance Painter


Download Final Build
This link will direct you to Google Drive where you can download the Mac build .zip file
Download Final Build
This link will direct you to Google Drive where you can download the Windows build .zip file
Maya & Unity Project Files
If you have further interest in viewing the Maya or Unity Project Files, please contact me at avahalesprof@gmail.com